Activities in the frame of the project
Intermediate Project Meeting
Project partners organized an Intermediate Meeting at Syros (Greece) in August 28-30, 2014.
The main issues that were discussed during the meeting were project progress and the planning of incoming activities.
The following presentations were given during the meeting:
- a report of the Wiener Neustadt Conference was done by Peter Mazohl (EIE);
- a presentation of the main eLearning management systems was done by Nikos Tzimopulo (Edrase);
- Anika Meder-Liikanen (University of Helsinki Viikki Teacher Training School) presented the test course to be held in spring 2015;
- Pedro Garrido (SAFA) illustrated the Malaga Conference to be held in summer 2015;
- Alfredo Imbellone (Europaclub) reported about the dissemination strategy;
- Luca Reitano (Digilab) took care of welcoming participants and drawing conclusion, giving instructions and hints to the project.
Panel discussion in the Impact Hub, Vienna
Peter Mazohl was invited by the TwentyTwenty Network in Vienna. an institution discussing about the interdependency of technology and society. As a panel speaker he was responsibe for modern teaching in Adult Education and VET.
As an impact to the audience the problem of quality in Blended Learning was discussed. The method is very common in the discussed target group.
Credits: © Susanne Einzenberger (At Impact Hub Vienna).
Meeting with the Deputy Minister and other personalities of Culture and Economy, Rome
Topic under discussion: University for Europe, headed by Prof. Francis Gui, and European cultural goals for the near future.
Prof. Alberto Pigliacelli (Europaclub) submitted to the italian Deputy Minister, On. Sandro Gozi, a summary of the project "Blended Learning Quality" during a meeting on the topic "University for Europe" (Rome, 17 November 2014).
Sandro Gozi, italian vice Minister of Culture and EU policies, receiving an extract of our project, has pledged to spread it in a more comprehensive and far-reaching with the most appropriate tools of the various Ministries.
Basic argument: our project, as required by the "Lisbon Treaty", is one of the tools that makes a significant contribution to raising the cultural level of Italian society.
The political union of Europe: a dialogue between Italy and Germany
Rome, January 30, 2015 - In the prestigious seat of the Italian Senate, prof. Alberto Pigliacelli (Europaclub) has exposed the essential lines of the “bLearning” project.
The occasion was very profitable since there were, in addition to major institutional and academic personalities from Italy and Germany, some educational institutions which will apply, spread and realize our project methods and results. A leaflet explaining the project content and activities was distributed to the many personalities attending the conference.
Dissemination among Italian schools
Rome, February-March, 2015 - Thanks to the Europaclub, the Project has been spread in many schools of Rome and neighborhoods.
In the photos prof. Pigliacelli is presenting the Project at Isis “Ambrosoli” and at the Institute “Galileo Galilei” during the celebrations on the 450th years anniversary of the birth of Galileo Galilei, with the active collaboration of the school headmaster prof. Carlo Cipollone.