Course Evaluation

The evaluation of the course was planned to create findings from the participants about their experiences with the quality framework, their experiences, and a feedback about the personal impression of the participants using a quality framework in Blended Learning.

Hint: The evaluation of the course itself (managed by the University of Helsinki, Viikki teacher training school) was not subject of the evaluation and was done by the coordinator of the course.

Quality issues

Two partner members from EDRASE and EBI assessed the test course. The assessment covered

  • The taught content (crosscheck to the developed quality criteria)
  • The structure of the course
  • The acceptance and verbal/body language expressed feedback

The University of Helsinki performs an internal quality check using questionnaires for the participants and other tools defined by the work package manager.

Evaluation concept

The evaluation concept consists of four columns:

The chosen items for the questionnaire focused on

  • The self-experience of quality criteria in the course (for example, the criterion of pre-course information)
  • The learning platform
  • The information about the distance learning
  • Feedback of teachers
  • And other related issues

Customer satisfaction

The table summarizes a customer’s satisfaction analyses.


Customers are satisfied when they answer the best value in the Likert scale. All other answers are an indication that there was something going wrong and the customer was not fully satisfied.

Customers agree to an issue asked in a four-scale Likert questionnaire if they agree or partly agree. In all other cases, they do not agree and are not really satisfied.


The summary shows a certain satisfaction of the participants, in the same way a need of future amendment is visible.

As mentioned before, the used eLearning platform was qualified as unsatisfying. It is necessary to undertake further investigation and research to find out an appropriate platform.

Hint: The complete evaluation is only available as internal document for the consortium members.